July 15, 2014

Big News!

 So life does get away from me. This time it got away from me for 7 months. Which means I am 7 months pregnant!

We are having a little boy sometime early October. We are very excited, especially Penny and Ben. 

This time around I am hoping for a different birth experience than I had with the twins. I can't complain too much because I did bring home two healthy babies, but I just want things to be different. I am hoping for a natural vbac. I am seeing a midwife and I have a doula, so that is different. I am also taking Bradley Birth Method classes. It is also going to help that there is just one baby this time. So far everything is going really good. 

So come October, we will be expecting a beautiful baby boy. No matter how it happens, we are over joyed to be meeting our newest member of the family in just 3 short months. 


  1. Awwww congrats!! I'm also pregnant with baby #3 due early Oct!!

  2. So, so, so exciting! Best wishes and I hope your pregnancy is continuing to go well! :)
