October 4, 2013

Our Future Fireman

This post is a little late, but still cute none the less. On 9-11 my mom's church takes meals to the local firefighters. This year she asked if I would like to take the kids when she delivered to food. I jumped at the chance!

I figured this would be a great way to show Ben and Penny appreciation for those who help us. While we were there the firefighters gladly showed them the trucks and all the stuff. Penny wasn't too sure about the truck or the firefighter but Ben loved it!  He sat right up in the truck with his flashlight and pretended to drive. This was also special for us because this was the firehouse where my grandpa was assistant chief when he was a volunteer fireman. My grandma brought a scrapbook to share with the fireman. She also brought my grandpa's old fire hat which is so much heavier than the new ones. 

This day was a huge success, not only did we feed and honor some of our community heroes, we also gave Ben something to talk about for weeks!


  1. Cutest fireman I've seen, and I've seen some cute firemen. ;)

    Thanks for linking to Super Sunday Sync!

  2. This reminds me so much of my brother when he was little...he had his heart set on being a fireman from about age 2 to age 8! He would wear his hat and rain boots everywhere! Stopping by your blog for the first time! Xo!
    Morgan @ Makeshift Margaritas (makeshiftmargaritas.blogspot.com)

  3. They are SO cute! And this is on our bucketlist! To deliver goodies to the firefighters! Awesome you brought your littles! Thanks for linkin up to Sunday FUNday!
