February 23, 2013

DIY Natural Cough Syrup

This year our babes have been so sick!  It has been one bug after the next, one cold after the next with a week in between.  The babies aren't quite old enough for cough syrup nor do I like the idea of giving them medicine for every little thing.  So my mom remembers that her mom used to give her homemade cough syrup and that it worked. So I thought I would give it a try

It is so simple!
half cup of honey
half cup hot water
3 tablespoons lemon juice

I give it to them before nap time and bed time.  And since it is something you can not take too much of, they get it when ever they are coughing a lot.

Once I started using it I noticed a big different and I'm just saying... this cold didn't last as long as the rest of them.  I wasn't sure it would work at first, but it really does.  I may even try this for Will and I when we get coughs.

Try it!

What home remedies do you use?



  1. What about storing it? I'm assuming it should be refrigerated.

  2. what would the dosage be for adults
