January 19, 2013

Giveaway! My Memeory Digital Scrapbooking

I am really excited to offer you guys a great giveaway today!

I love scrapbooking, but I never get the time to get everything out and it can be so costly.  Digital scrapbooking is a great option.  You can still have everything you want.  Share all the pictures and stories and they arrive in a beautifully bound book.

My Memories is a really great site for this that offers so much great stuff!  They have so many different pages and digital stickers and all kinds of goodies.  There are tons of free scrapbooking kits.  I have really enjoyed my time in this site.  Their digital scrapbooking software is really easy to you, mostly click and drag.  I am working on a scrapbook right now for a look thru the year of 2012.  It is super easy to use and a really great way of preserving family memories.

Here is one of the pages I made about our Christmas.

So here we are at the fun part!


I am excited to share with my readers this terrific digital scrapbooking software.

You will win a free copy of the software.
This will also come with promo codes for a free 6x6 20 book and $10 in downloadable items.

I promise you will love organizing your memories is such a fun and beautiful way.

a Rafflecopter giveaway



  1. Your Christmas page is too cute!! My kids are older and really enjoy looking back on memories. I started Project Life this year. It is a type of scrapbooking/memory saving project. I didn't know about the one you do. I'll have to check it out!! :)

    Have a great weekend!

  2. This is a really great idea ~ Who would have thought?? Digital scrapbooking!

    My favorite design is the Clean Up Kit ~ http://www.mymemories.com/store/display_product_page?id=TMRC-CP-1301-26724


  3. I didn't know digital scrapbooking ended up in a hard print copy, that's really neat!

  4. That is so cute! I didn't know about the online software. I am stopping by from the blog hop and I am your newest follower! If you get a chance stop by and check out my blog. Have a great day!

    Southern Beauty Guide

  5. I like the baby boy pack, I have twin boys.
