January 4, 2013

Becoming a Mommy turned me into a Giant Crybaby!

On New Year's Day Will and I went to see Les Miserable.  I knew I was going to cry because I cry every time I have seen the stage version.  I mean I cry A LOT!  So I was expecting to cry..... but not ugly face cry.  I tried to stifle audible sobs and I think I did, but I started crying like 10 minutes in and cried off and on through out the whole movie.

Am I the only one who cries at ANYTHING after having babies?  I don't think I can blame postpartum anymore either, I mean they are 18 months for crying out loud.  I think this maybe a permanent thing.  Songs, TV shows, commercials even just thinking about them can make me cry.  And if it happens to be anything about babies growing up too fast.... it's over for me.  It's almost embarrassing sometimes.  I have become a bigger cry baby than my own babies!

Yeah, I'm even a bigger crybaby than they are.  How did this happen?



  1. Me too! Before my son was born I was really into all the Law and Order shows and true crime dramas. Know if I watch them I FREAK out thinking something bad is going to happen to A!

  2. Lol....me too!! I cry at stuff sane people wouldn't even consider crying about! Blame it on the babies....we all do! ;)

  3. I was a crier before I had Biolet and now it is even worse! I feel your pain.

  4. Yeah...having a child will do that to you. So unfair!
    And Les Mis should make anyone cry! It's amazing :)


  5. Ha I totally agree with you! Ever since my pregnancy with my daughter I can tear up even at the dumbest commercials. And those shows where the follow people through their labor and delivery? Forget it! I can't wear makeup on those days lol.

  6. Oh no. You are not alone. I cry at the drop of a hat these days.

    Also, le mis. Good God. I saw it on Broadway when I was 18 and I embarassed myself COMPLETELY sobbing. Oy.

  7. Not the only one!! I rarely cried before children. Now I cry at movies, books, commercials, school plays, just the thought of taking my children to Disney world. I'm pretty sure all of my emotions now trigger tears... happy, sad, proud, angry, annoyed, hungry, tired, and just because. Sometimes I wonder how my husband puts up with me. lol

  8. My daughter's 16 months so I don't have the excuse either. I cannot watch any of those reunion videos without crying and the other day a beer commercial made me cry. Ridiculous.

  9. Hahahaha....I definitely had ugly face going when we saw it NYE. It is definitely a mom thing. Mobbed, dog rescue videos, Extreme Makeover.....they all get me like my mother just died. Just go with it.

  10. I am the same way! I cry at commercials, Disney movies, whenever I hug someone... I guess it's a mom thing!
