December 30, 2012

December Date Night

For our anniversary, I got Will a years worth of date nights.  What I did was I wrapped 12 dvds we already owned, but they were ones I either never wanted to watch or movies that hold a special meaning for us.  December will be our 3rd date night

The movie to night is Return of the Jedi.  That is Will's favorite Star Wars.  Will always jokes that the moment he knew he loved me was when I said I was more of an Empire Strikes Back girl myself.  Star Wars was the theme of our first Valentine's Day together and I have given him something Star Wars related for all of our Christmas's together.  So this movie had to go into the mix.

For dinner I made German Stew.  This has been one of out favorite meals for awhile.  It was one of the first meals I started making when I started cooking in college.  It is basically a stew with beef, carrots, apples and red wine.  It was a good night.  Always nice to enjoy each others company.  We still have 9 date nights left this year! :)



  1. I really think this date night idea is fantastic, I may have to steal it. :)

  2. Love the year of date nights idea! I'm pretty sure every time I've gotten Jarrod gifts at least one of them has been Star Wars related. In fact, I already have a present for next Christmas! It's a Darth Vader bubble gum dispenser. More for the cute factor and noises than for the gum.
