November 17, 2012

Happy Anniversary Part 2

For our anniversary I decided to plan a years worth of dates.  Basically I have chosen 12 movies that either mean something to us or movies that Will loves and I won't usually watch with him. I wrapped them and a clue as to what they are and I am making one of his favorite meals.  Tonight is the night for November.

So tonight we are enjoying Chili and Blazing Saddles.  I hate this movie, but the hubs loves it.  Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Mel Brooks.... just not for a whole movie.  Will loves this movie and it is one of his go to comedies.  So tonight we are eating a bowl full of chili and enjoying the movie.... Well, Will is enjoying the movie and I am appreciating the wonderful man who married me and gave me the cutest babies in the world, so for that I can sit thru Blazing Saddles.



  1. This is so sweet. I have been thinking about doing this for Christmas for Marc and I.
