October 3, 2012

Toddler Activity: Sensory Paint Bags

 I am always on the look out for fun activities to do with my two toddlers.  Today I am doing sensory paint bags.  The idea is pretty simple.  You just put some paint in a ziploc bag, then you tape it to a surface and they can move and squish the paint around.

Once it is all secured let the fun begin!

This was a great activity to do.  They loved squishing all the paint around.  It was fun to look out and fun to feel for them.  It was a great sensory activity.
I really wish I would have thought of this as a preschool teacher.  This is an activity that will grow with them.  I was showing them shapes and letters.  Right now they didn't really have any idea what I was showing them, but someday they will.  Then maybe someday they will be able to draw their own shapes.  Also we tried to press some shaped into it.

This was a great activity.  I will definitely do this one again!



  1. I did this with my daughter but taped the bags to the window. It was like drawing on the glass! Fun fun. :)

  2. Great idea, I can't wait to let my daughter try that!

  3. Super cute! I did this last year with Curtis, he loved it except his nail went through the bag and paint got everywhere..so yeah no more cheap-ziplock bags for this.. need to get name-brand heavy duty one lol! Or cut his fingernails more often ;)

  4. That's so cool, and I like SEL's idea to put it on the window. I bet it would sort of look like stained glass. Crazy toddler stained glass.

  5. New Follower! :)
    SOOOOOO CUTE! your kids are adorable!

    ~Co-host @ That Friday Blog Hop

  6. Looks like they had a blast. I've seen it on the windows too! I should give it a go soon.

  7. That is such a good idea! I need to try this with my son

    I'm your newest follower from the Monday Mingle!
    followme@ www.studentswife.com

  8. Looks fun! How long did this occupy them? I'm always looking for more activities for me 16 month old.

  9. i found your blog thru the naptime review mom's monday mingle and now follow thru gfc. thanks, dear!

  10. I love this idea, what a fun way to play without all the mess. Thank you so much for linking up to the first {Im}Perfect Sunday. I hope to see you next week!
