October 31, 2012


I love Halloween!  It is one of my favorite holidays!  I can't wait until next year when Ben and Penny have more of an idea about what's going on.  We did do somethings to make our day special.  First I volunteered for a little Halloween party with the kids, it was super fun! 

Some fun Halloween crafts

For snack they tried the yummy Chocolate Chip Pumpkin Muffins I made yesterday.

They were a hit!

We didn't get in out costumes today, we did that one Sunday for the Carnival.  We had a little dragon and a unicorn if you wanna see pictures.

Next year we will do the trick or treating and all the spooky stuff.  They just don't quite get it all yet, but at least we had fun today!

I hope you all have a safe and happy Halloween!



  1. I love the little footprints and poem.. that is so cute!


  2. Hi Mary, I’m Anne from Life on the Funny Farm (http://annesfunnyfarm.blogspot.com), and I’m visiting from the mommy Brain Mixer.

    Looks like you all had a fun time on Halloween even if the twins don't quite "get it" yet. Love the footprint ghosts!

    Anyway, thanks for posting this. I hope you can pop by my blog sometime to say hi…

  3. Such a cute craft! Also in my experience Halloween the second go round was way more fun than the first time!
