August 30, 2012

New Blog Look! Check it out!

I am excited to debut my new blog! My blog just got a face lift thanks to Tiffany. She was great to work with, I would definitely recommend her! So take some time to look around. I will be adding sponsors here very soon and I am very excited to be working with anyone who is interested. I will also be adding favorites to my favorite blogs and a couple new things.

Also we have winners to announce for the cloth diaper giveaway. Amy from Little Beauty was the first winner.  I have emailed the second and am still waiting for a response.

Please take some time and click around the new blog.



  1. ooh! I really like it!
    It's bright and shiny and beautiful!
    I just re did mine too.
    Come stop by!

  2. Looks great! I'm just about to redesign mine (when I find the time - maybe during the kids naps?) :)

  3. It looks WONDERFUL! I love it :) Congrats on the new design! It feels good, doesn't it? :)

    ♥ Bethany
