August 24, 2012

Fine Motor Skills Activity

I love doing projects with the babies.  I always work up to them because they seem like they are going to be so much work.  For instance I bought these pipe cleaners weeks ago but it just seemed like to much work to set up this activity.  I'm crazy!  It took all of 2 minutes to set up and they were entertained for 20 minutes.  It was great, although this is one where they need your help to figure it out and supervision because they pipe cleaner ends are sharp.

So here's the basics.  It's just pipe cleaners and a strainer.  They need some help putting it in the holes sometimes, but they love trying it.

Pardon my messy house.  I chose activity over cleaning that day... prioritizing ya know... :)

This was a super easy activity that really worked their fine motor skills.  It also helped them with patience.  It took them sometime to figure it out.  They still weren't able to get it in the whole without help, but a couple of times they got it.  Penny clapped for herself when she did.  This is definitely something I will get out again when we need a change of pace.


  1. What a neat idea! I would have never thought of it! :)

  2. What a great idea. I will def. try this with my boys, 20 minutes of entertainement sounds awesome!

  3. Such a great idea! I would be mildly fearful that my boys would poke each other in the eye with the pipe cleaners, but I'm going to give it a try!

    Also, I have given you the Liebster Award! Check out the details on my blog post:

    Happy Sunday!

  4. This is a great idea. I keep meaning to buy pipe cleaners and never think about it when I am at the store. There are so many great activities you can do with them.

  5. I love this! I actually just did this with my boys!! Great minds think alike ;)

  6. Hi, visiting from Jelli's Monday party! This is a great idea! Your babies are so cute and pretty good with their motor skills too! :))

  7. What a great idea, Mary! I love finding creative learning activities using things from around the house. Granted, I don't have pipe cleaners on hand, but they're easy to come by! I appreciate your linking to Monday Mom Musings this week!

  8. Oh we love this activity - even my almost 4 year old has fun with it still. What a great way to know you are helping your kiddos to grow that they love because it's playing!


  9. Thanks for sharing this great idea with the Thrive @ Home community!
