June 26, 2012

Home made finger paint... a sensory experience!

So today I made finger paints for the babies to play with.  I always see these post on blogs or on pinterest of babies having fun with sensory things.  So today I made some finger paints.  I got the recipe from a friend, it was really simple!
2 tbls sugar mixed with 1/3 cup flour.  Put it in a sauce pan and mix with 2 cups water until smooth.  Turn on heat and continue to stir until it thickens.  Then put in container and add desired food coloring.  Easy Peasy!

So here is how the babies first sensory experience went.

I decided I would do it in the bath tub at bath time.  Blank white canvas and easy clean up!
Whenever I see babies the same age as my babies doing sensory, I think yeah right.  All my babies would do it is eat it!

Totally right!!  That's really all Ben was interested in, perhaps this recipe is a little too tasty.

They got the hang of it after awhile though.

Penny had a lot of fun with it!

All in all it was totally worth it.  The mess was contained, the babies had fun, and Will and I had fun watching it.  Ben may have eaten all his and Penny just wanted to slide around the slippery tub, but they had a new experience with texture and sight and taste.


  1. Oh my goodness what great pictures!!! And I am so going to make this for Judah. Sticking them in the tub is a great idea. I've been wanting to try out paint with Judah but was thinking that covering the floor with paper or a plastic tarp may not keep him away from painting the walls ha

  2. It looks like they had a blast! And what a good idea to do that in the tub--easy cleanup!
    I'm with you about other kids' sensory activities. Kayleigh is still in the "mmm, that looks tasty!" I'm pretty sure she found a bug on the patio today and ate it before I could stop her. Ickkk!

    Thanks for linking up, Mary!

    ♥ Bethany


  3. Too cute! I look forward to doing things like this with Declan. :)

  4. Such cute babies! I remember when my girls were that age. So much fun and so exhausting, but in a mostly good way. :)

    Found you on the Monday Mingle. :)

  5. So cute!! I never thought of doing that sort of thing in the bath tub, what a great idea.

  6. Adorable!! I love this idea! I may just have to borrow this recipe :) My youngest daughter keeps spilling her drinks just to "finger paint", so I guess it's her way of asking for more sensory experiences.

  7. OMGosh, they are so stinkin' adorable!!

    Thanks for sharing this on Hey Mom, Look What I Did at Adventures In Mommy Land!! Hope to see you again soon :)

    1. I made these last week. The consistency I got was similar to petroleum jelly and the result on paper looked similar to watercolors. I was really happy with them and thought the paintings looked beautiful.

      Red Bank House Cleaning

  8. Those pictures are too cute!
