June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day!!

Today is a day to celebrate the special men in our lives and I have a lot to celebrate! The father/daughter bond is one of the most important. It sets the stage for so much in life. My dad is great! He was always there for us and provided for his family. I am so grateful for that.

Today Will celebrates his first father's day. I am so unbelievable blessed to have him as the father of my children. He has a very demanding schedule as a phd student but he always finds time to play with the babies. He is here almost every night for bath and bed, and he never makes plans for Sunday which is our designated family day. I know he will show Ben how to be a good man and show Penny what a good man is.

So here's to the those men in our life who showed us how things should be. Whether it was your biological father or not.

Happy Father's Day!


  1. Such a sweet post and adorable pics!! ^_^

  2. This post made me so happy! I love to see involved dad=)

  3. Happy First Father's Day to your husband! Thanks for stopping by The Lily Pad.

  4. Happy Father's Day! Will looks adorable holding those babies!

  5. Happy Fathers day, these are the sweetest little pictures :-)

  6. Happy Father's Day to Will! The first one is so exciting, isn't it? And for twins! Doubly special :) We just celebrated our first yesterday, too :) So fun!

    Thanks for coming by Happy Homemaker Me!

    ♥ Bethany

  7. Such a beautiful post! I love all the pictures, your babies are so precious!
