March 14, 2012

Family Visits and Baby Babbles

Well Will is on the mend and spring is in the air!  I am loving this weather, although I wish we could get out in it more as a family.  Will is still obviously not allowed to put any weight on his foot so long delightful walks are out of the question, but Ben and Penny just love being outside. 

We have also had many visitors lately, which I great appreciate.  I need all the help I can get.  So they usually get put to work, even if it is just playing with babies so I can get some work done around the house.  My mom came up to help with things over the weekend.  This week Jane and Noah came up for a few days and now Emma is here helping.  I love it, and the babies like spending time with family.

Penny got two new teeth in this week. She got the outer incisors.  She is going to look like a little vampire.  My mom said I got those teeth in first as well.  Also today for the first time Ben and Penny had a little conversation.  They just kind of shouted back and forth for a few minutes.  It was really cute, I can't wait to see what's to come with them.

Will is beginning to feel better.  This week he went back to teaching, but he still isn't quite up to research yet.  We will see a Dr next week for him.

Ben and Grandma Jane.

Getting ready to go on a walk with Grandma Jane

The Kuester boys hanging out on the couch.

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