February 28, 2012

Visiting Peoria

Last week we went to stay the week with grandma Kathy. I'm not sure who enjoys it more, me or the twins. They get the pleasure of grandma who is gaga over them. Plus all the kids my mom watches in her daycare play with them and keep them very entertained. I get the pleasure of help for a week!! With twins help is always appreciated! We get lots of visitors. Nana, who is my grandmother, almost always stops by for a while. Also this week I got to see some of the kids I used to watch. Emily is old enough now she is a big help with them.
But my favorite part is Friday. I get to go home and my mom watched the babies for the weekend. This is a much needed break for me. One night Will and I went out for sushi. The other night we just stayed in and watched movies and drank a bottle of wine. He works so much that I love getting to spend time with him. It is so rare for us to have nothing to do but spend sometime together with out the threat of waking someone or Will grading papers. It is great just to relax.
So hear are some pictures from all of that.

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